Health First – Action plan against COVID-19

Last updated: November 2022
We would like to welcome our guests with the same warmth and hospitality as we have always done. As the health and safety of our guests and employees remains a top priority for us at Amarianos Villas’, we are committed to fully adopt the national health protocols for hotels.
In response to the development of the COVID-19 pandemic, management at Amarianos Villas’ has developed a detailed action plan of preventive measures and procedures for every Villa – Villa Preveduro, Villa Anastassio and Villa Faye- as well as each individual department separately. The action plan abides by the recommendations of Greece’s public health organization – EODY.
As per the plan, Amarianos Villas’ management has appointed a health coordinator to supervise and ensure that the protocols are being followed. We have a doctor on call who will act on the instructions of EODY for testing suspected cases of COVID-19. Amarianos Villas’ has informed all stakeholders (employees, guests, contractors, suppliers, visitors and the public) on the measures of its action plan.
The information below outlines the Amarianos Villas’ health protection policy measures, in order to prevent COVID-19 infections, ensuring safety of staff and most importantly our guests.
• New schedule for Check-in and Check-out so that thorough and efficient cleaning, disinfection and airing through natural ventilation is conducted to every Villa: Check-In: 15:00 / Check-Out: 10:00
• Payments are to be paid in the form of contactless payments and invoicing (credit card, debit cards, bank transfer, electronic form invoicing or cash payments). Payment and invoicing terminals are regularly disinfected.
• Provision of personal protection equipment (masks and gloves) for guests’ use upon request.
• For any case of emergency, a medical kit is available which includes disposable gloves and masks, antiseptics, cleaning wipes, apron, long-sleeved robe and laser thermometer.
• Social distancing measures are adhered to at all times (at least 2 meters from guests).
• Amarianos Villas’ provides information leaflets on basic health instructions and useful coronavirus-information for guests.
All staff members:
• Are aware of how the COVID-19 virus is transmitted and are able to provide information to guests on Amarianos Villas’ rules and the new measures taken.
• Are able to identify symptoms and report them to the health coordinator.
• Are trained on practices for cleaning and disinfecting identified spots as well as on following hygiene rules to avoid transmitting the virus. This is adhered to by frequent hand washing, by avoiding handshakes, physical distancing, avoiding contact of hands with eyes, nose and mouth and lastly respiratory hygiene.
• Are provided with personal protective equipment (masks, gloves, robes, screens) which they must use at all times.
• All of our staff undergo thermal screening before starting service.
• Amarianos Villas’ implements thorough disinfection and deep cleaning practices in accordance to EODY instructions.
• In addition to the normal cleaning procedures, “high-frequency “touch points” are being sanitized and disinfected frequently for e.g. door knobs, handles and toilets.
• Hand sanitizers are present in every room in every Villa.
• Between stays of guests, each Villa undergoes additional cleaning upon departure paying particular attention to touch points. We ensure each Villa and its rooms remain aired and well ventilated.
• The scheduled cleaning and change of sheets, pillowcases and towels is carried out every 4 days or earlier upon guest’s request.
• External laundry services are handled according to local legislation protocols.
• Amarianos Villas’ have removed from all rooms, every object such as extra pillows, bedding and shared multi-purpose items such as menus, maps, magazines, etc.
• All TV and air conditioner controls have disposable covers.
• Fabric surfaces (e.g. furniture upholstery) are cleaned with a steam appliance at above 70 degrees Celsius.
• Guests are notified with information on when and how the room was cleaned (on doors or in rooms).
• All key cards and keys are disinfected.
• Room entry to non-residents is strictly prohibited.
Amarianos Villas’ abides by the HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points), an internationally recognized method of identifying and managing food safety related risk.
This means:
• All food and beverages provided are packaged and sealed.
• Food delivery is available at no extra charge. Drivers are aware of maintaining appropriate physical distance, wearing of gloves and mask.
In every room of each Villa, the air-conditioning systems provide fresh, clean air. No air is recirculated in any area, which means that the imported air is not contaminated by the air expelled.
In addition, we have:
• Regular maintenance and chemical cleaning of all air-conditioning units.
• Continuous filter cleaning.
• Sunbeds are disinfected before used by another guest. It is strongly recommended to have a bath before and after using the swimming pool. Pool size accommodates all 6 guests as stipulated by the EODY instructions.
• Only open-air events, sports and entertainments involving a small number of participants and without close contact at all times.
• Children can use the open-air swimming pool under supervision.
We at Amarianos Villas’ would like you to help us keep all guests and staff safe by adopting the following basic hygiene rules of the World Health Organization for avoiding the coronavirus spread:
• Hand Hygiene: Wash your hands regularly with soap and warm water and use the antiseptic solutions that we provide to sterilize your hands. Avoid touching objects that are shared with other people. Do not touch pets or other animals.
• Social Distance: Keep safe social distances with other guests, employees and/or other local people and tourists (at least 1,5 meters from guests). Avoid handshakes and other direct body contacts.
• Infection avoidance: Avoid touching your mouth, nose or eyes. If you have to cough or sneeze, it is best to turn away so that there is a distance of at least two meters between you and other person. Please use a single use tissue which you should then dispose of in a bin with a lid. When sneezing or coughing, if no tissue is available, keep the crook of your arm in front of your mouth and nose. After blowing your nose, sneezing or coughing, wash your hands thoroughly, either with alcohol-based disinfectant or with soap and warm water.
Following the latest advice and recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the local authorities in Greece, we at Amarianos Villas’, continue to work towards providing the best service possible while guarding the safety of our guests and associates. We constantly evaluate and update our health policies and procedures, following the latest Greek legislation, regulations and health measures and protocols.
For more information regarding tourism health protocols, please consult the Greek Ministry of Tourism via the telephone number 1572 or via the electronic page
We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.